Thursday, July 30, 2009

Love Story meets Viva la Vida

Dearest Bloggers,

Check this out, AMAZING! If you ask me.

Anyways, My Friend Jon showed me this a couple of weeks ago, its such an awesome combo.

There's something about music that just makes me, stand or sit in awe. Can you just imagine... Music is NEVER ending, it goes on forever, and even, you
could NEVER know EVERY single song, or artist out there.

wowzers. There's my bit for the day. =] enjoy that video.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We taught the dog to swim yesterday.

The poor thing has to short of legs to swim, so we helped her out. =]

I like staying at my Aunties House.

I'm sorta glad I live semi close.

It makes living in the armpit bearable.
The armpit is Bullhead City, Arizona.

I've basically lived in Utah my whole life, and even though I wasn't born there, I still have a Utahn accent and I do things the way only people in utah do. I love it there, with my whole heart. And moving down here was the HARDEST thing I've ever done. On my last night there, Jon and I hung out at his house all day, and then he drove me home. Then we sat outside my grand parents house an I cried and cried and cried, I HATE crying in front of people, especially people I want to think I'm strong.
Then after Emily, Maydees, Lexi, and Haylee came over to give me presents. Oh man, that was hard. Very hard. I couldn't even talk, I was crying so hard.
Terrible times. =[
So thus the saddest day of my life.

My First Post...

I'll post this AMAZING song for you to listen to, it explains my feelings perfectly...