Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We taught the dog to swim yesterday.

The poor thing has to short of legs to swim, so we helped her out. =]

I like staying at my Aunties House.

I'm sorta glad I live semi close.

It makes living in the armpit bearable.
The armpit is Bullhead City, Arizona.

I've basically lived in Utah my whole life, and even though I wasn't born there, I still have a Utahn accent and I do things the way only people in utah do. I love it there, with my whole heart. And moving down here was the HARDEST thing I've ever done. On my last night there, Jon and I hung out at his house all day, and then he drove me home. Then we sat outside my grand parents house an I cried and cried and cried, I HATE crying in front of people, especially people I want to think I'm strong.
Then after Emily, Maydees, Lexi, and Haylee came over to give me presents. Oh man, that was hard. Very hard. I couldn't even talk, I was crying so hard.
Terrible times. =[
So thus the saddest day of my life.

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