Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thinking of you.. Em.

So, I have been thinking a lot about Emalee.

Emalee is my cousin, you already know this, cause my whole three followers are related to me... =]

Anyway, I remember Em used to work at a pizza place.
I don't know her very well, But I know her laugh. Its pretty unforgettable.

She is also very pretty, she has such a pretty smile.
=] I just love that about a person.

She's had a hard year this year...
I've been thinking about Kenner a lot these last few weeks...
He would be a almost a year old now, I wonder what he is doing for God.
I wonder who he is watching out for, cause thats what angels do. =]

Well, thats about all I have to say, I love you, and miss you, and have a prayer in my heart for you...always.


  1. This is a very sweet post. I love Em... miss her tons.

  2. Oh gee's it 7 in the morning and you have made me cry already!! LOVE you and miss you all bunches.
